Yujin Technology Code of Ethics
We share the 'corporate philosophy' pursued by Yujin Technology Co., Ltd. (here in after referred to as the 'Company') and the 'Management Policy' set by the management accordingly, respect the free market economic that pursues free and fair competition, increase corporate value through management activities based on mutual trust and cooperation, and pursue common prosperity with all stakeholders based on this. Accordingly, we pledge to establish a code of ethics that serves as a standard of correct value judgment and a principle of behavior that all executives and employees must abide by, and actively practice it.
Chapter 4 Responsibilities for Suppliers
We recognize that strengthening ties with all business partners and forming mutual partnerships is the way to prosper together, and we coexist and co-prosperity based on trust and cooperation.
1. Equal and Fair Trade
Partner companies shall be selected rationally according to fair standards, all trades shall be carried out on an equal position, and no abuse of superior one shall be made.
2. Co-prosperity
We actively strive to achieve mutual prosperity through various support and cooperation with supplier.
3. Prohibition of Receiving Bribery or Entertainment
We do not accept any form of gifts, money, or entertainment, and do not accept any treats for personal purposes.